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The Execution Chronicles: From Idea to Action, Minus the Meltdown

The Execution Chronicles: From Idea to Action, Minus the Meltdown

Once upon a time, in the wild, wild world of entrepreneurship, there was a valiant heroine named Everywoman. She was armed with an arsenal of brilliant ideas, a Pinterest board full of vision boards, and a fiery passion that could melt the iciest of venture capitalists. But alas, there was one ferocious beast she had yet to conquer – the dreaded Execution.

Execution, dear Queens, is like the Loch Ness Monster of the business world. Everyone's heard of it, some claim to have seen it, but very few can actually pin it down and ride it to success. Our heroine, Everywoman, much like many of her fellow fempreneurs, found herself trapped in an endless loop of planning, dreaming, and talking about her ideas – but never quite managed to bring them to life. Sound familiar? Don't worry, you're not alone.

The Execution Struggle: Why Women Find Themselves Wrestling with This Beast

Let’s face it: execution is where the rubber meets the road, or more aptly, where dreams meet the hard, cold reality of a to-do list. Fun fact: a report by the National Women’s Business Council stats that women own 42% of all U.S. businesses. However, when it comes to scaling and executing those big, bold plans, the stats are less than rosy. Only 1.7% of women-owned businesses generate over a million dollars in revenue. 

However, these challenges aren't confined to the U.S. alone. In the UK, women own about 35% of all small and medium-sized enterprises, according to the Federation of Small Businesses. Only 1 in 3 female entrepreneurs scale their businesses beyond the startup phase. Over in the EU, women-owned businesses represent around 30% of all businesses, but only 11% are classified as high-growth firms, as reported by the European Institute for Gender Equality. This disparity highlights the broader issues women face in scaling their enterprises across various regions. But why oh why, you ask?

Well, the reasons are as varied as the flavors of Ben & Jerry’s (seriously though, Cookies on Cookie Dough and Strawberry Cheesecake…who’s feening for a tub right now?). First off, there's the infamous "Perfectionism Plague" – a condition that strikes women down as we labor over every last detail until the excitement of the original idea is sucked into a black hole of self-doubt. Then there’s the pervasive “Impostor Syndrome,” which we touched on in our last blog – where you're convinced that the universe accidentally swapped your fate with Beyoncé's, and it’s only a matter of time before someone finds out.

And don’t even get me started on the multi-tasking myth. Yes, women are amazing multitaskers (no one’s denying that) but trying to do everything all at once is like trying to binge-watch The Crown while assembling your IKEA furniture, baking a pie, and teaching your dog to fetch – all while answering work emails and pretending to be a fully functional adult. You’ll end up royally frustrated with a half-built cabinet that leans suspiciously to the left, a pie that’s burnt to a crisp, and a dog that’s now auditioning for Dancing with the Stars.

Ofcourse, there’s a slew of other reasons that hinder female entrepreneurs from getting started, such as a lack of capital, insufficient time, and navigating complex regulations. But we’ll save this topic for another time. For now, let’s focus on the main issue at hand – how do you get started with execution, without feeling like you're strapped to an electric chair.

The Secret Sauce to Conquering Execution: Where to Start 

So, the secret sauce is… drumroll, please… that there is NO secret sauce (gasp!). Yep, you read that right. No magic potion, no hidden cheat codes, no genie in a bottle granting you three perfectly executed wishes. The cold, bitter truth (because life loves to serve those up) is that success isn’t just about having the next big idea. It happens because you’ve got a solid plan and the drive to see it through. In other words, it all boils down to planning, planning, planning!

Execution is where the real magic happens – or, rather, where the hard work happens. It’s more than just about having a vision; it’s about having a strategy to turn that vision into reality. Think of your business as an engine. Without proper maintenance, that engine isn’t going anywhere. Additionally, it’s your strategy that gets the parts in place, and your goals that provide the fuel. And execution is what turns the key and gets things moving. Simply put, it’s about getting your hands dirty – real dirty – doing the unglamorous, often mundane tasks that nobody talks about in those glossy entrepreneurial success stories. 

So, now the million-dollar question comes: where do I begin? How do I initiate the execution process? The answer lies in taking that first step – literally. Whether you're a virgin entrepreneur or you’ve been in the game for a while, start by laying out the foundation with our proprietary SKHB POSE™ framework.

 SKHB POSE™ framework

SKHB POSE™ framework

  1. Planning: Start with the End in Mind

Let’s say you’re starting a small online boutique selling handmade jewelry. Begin by defining what success looks like to you. Is it earning $5,000 in sales within the first three months? Is it gaining 1,000 social media followers in the first six months? This step is all about setting a clear destination for your business journey.

Practical Step: Write down your big picture goals and break them into smaller, more manageable milestones. For instance, a goal might be: “Increase Instagram followers by 25%, from 400 to 500, within 60 days, by posting daily content and engaging with followers.”

Quick Pro Tip: Use this simple formula to get started: To increase [Metric] by [Percentage], from [Current Number] to [Target Number], within [Time Period], by [Date], for [Target Audience].

2. Objectives: Define What Needs to Happen

Now that you know where you want to go, it’s time to define the specific objectives that will get you there. For your jewelry boutique, an objective might be to increase brand visibility. To achieve this, your objective could be: “Partner with 5 local influencers to showcase my jewelry in their posts over the next month.”

Practical Step: List out all the objectives that align with your broader goals. These should be actionable steps that contribute directly to achieving your milestones.

3. Strategy: Your Roadmap to Success

With your objectives in place, you’ll need to devise a strategy. Let’s say your strategy to increase brand visibility is to use social media and influencer marketing. This might involve reaching out to influencers, planning collaborations, and scheduling posts.

Practical Step: Develop a strategy document that details the steps needed to achieve each objective. This includes resources required, timelines, and key players. For instance, if you’re handling influencer partnerships, your strategy might involve researching influencers, crafting outreach emails, and coordinating photo shoots.

4. Execution: Turning Your Vision into Reality

You’ve planned, you’ve strategized, you’ve got your objectives nailed down. Now here comes the exciting part – execution. For your boutique, this means creating the content, scheduling those influencer posts, and monitoring the impact. It’s not glamorous work, but it’s the essential grind that turns dreams into revenue-generating business.

Practical Step: Get Started by breaking down your strategy into daily or weekly tasks. Use a project management tool such as Asana or even a simple to-do list to keep yourself on track. 

Consistency is Queen!

Balancing a crown isn’t easy, but it’s the small, steady adjustments that keep it from slipping. So don’t let the big picture overwhelm you. Instead, break it down, start small, and inch your way forward. Each tiny step adds up, transforming your business idea into a thriving reality. Remember, a castle is built brick by brick, not in one grand swoop. When you stumble (and you will), don’t stop – adjust your strategy, learn from the hiccups, and keep moving. It’s the relentless, consistent effort that separates the dreamers from the doers. Keep the momentum going, and soon enough, you’ll find yourself not just wearing the crown, but balancing it with grace and power.

Real-Life Example: From Starting Small to Scaling Up:

Think of Sara Blakely, the founder of Spanx. She started with a simple idea – footless pantyhose – and began by setting clear goals, such as securing a meeting with a manufacturer. Her strategy was straightforward: cold call manufacturers and use her savings to create prototypes. She executed by following through on her goals every single day, from filing a patent herself to pitching her product to Neiman Marcus.

The key takeaway? Sara didn’t wait for the perfect moment or a grand investor. She took the first step by planning her path, setting clear objectives, crafting a strategy, and executing relentlessly. Today, Spanx is a billion-dollar company, but it all started with that crucial first step.

Quick Pro Insight: Those who are great at execution don’t bring problems to the table – they bring solutions. Even if you’ve stumbled upon the most original idea since sliced bread, guess what? Someone out there is already sharpening their knives, ready to slice into your market. But here’s where you’ve got the edge: your strategic planning. When you execute better, with a clear strategy and actionable goals, you’re not just surviving – you’re thriving, even in the face of competition.

Now, a few more pearls of wisdom to keep in mind while wrangling the execution beast:

  1. Break Up with Perfectionism

Imagine Perfectionism as that clingy ex who won’t stop texting you. It's time to cut ties. The enemy of execution is the belief that everything needs to be flawless before you launch. Instead, think MVP – Minimum Viable Product. If it’s good enough to solve a problem, it’s good enough to launch. Think of it as serving your business up like a fine wine – let it breathe a little and get better with time. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither will your empire be.

2. Set Micro-Goals, Not Macro-Anxieties

Okay, so we've already touched on this earlier, but it goes without saying that it’s worth doubling down on: Execution can feel overwhelming when you’re staring at the Everest of your business plan. But here’s a secret (not really a secret): you don’t have to climb the whole mountain at once. Start with base camp! Break your big goals into tiny, digestible pieces. Aim for up to three specific tasks per day—this way, you’re nibbling away at the mountain without getting buried under it. As the saying goes, "How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time." (Not that we recommend eating elephants – this is just a metaphor, ladies. Stay with us). Create a timeline where each week you accomplish a small, specific task. You’ll be amazed at how quickly the mountain starts to shrink.

3. Delegate, Outsource, and Repeat

Superwoman may have been able to do it all, but she had a golden lasso, a killer wardrobe, and the ability to fly. We women, on the other hand, on the other hand, juggle limited time, energy, and possibly a brain packed with as many open tabs as your internet browser; or maybe a few kids running around, demanding macaroni and cheese at the worst possible moments. So, delegate! Zero in on what you do best, and hand off the rest. With cost-effective options such as Fiverr, Upwork, and People Per Hour at your fingertips, you don’t need to break the bank to grow your business. Why spend six hours trying to design a logo when someone else can do it in 20 minutes?

4. Embrace the Chaos, Just Not Too Much

Execution isn’t going to be neat. It’s going to be messy, frustrating, and there will be days when you’ll want to throw your MacBook out the window (but please don’t – it’s expensive. Plus, hurling tech rarely solves problems, and the squirrels don’t need new toys – you’d just waste precious time fishing it out of the bushes anyway). Accept that things might not go according to plan, and that’s okay. The road to success is paved with detours, potholes, and the occasional flat tire. But remember, even a zigzagging path can still get you to your destination. So, buckle up, hit that gas pedal, and just enjoy the ride.

Final Thoughts: Execution is More Than Just a Buzzword

Execution is a big, bold, capital B (and no, it’s not that word that rhymes with "witch," though it can sometimes feel that way too). More like B for Bummer, with a side of frustration and a silent scream of "Why did I sign up for this?"

But it’s also the bridge between the unfiltered, messy reality that turns your wild ideas into a functioning, money-making machine. And yes, sometimes it feels like you’re trying to organize a circus while juggling flaming torches, but there is a method to all the madness. It’s about breaking down your grand vision into actionable steps, setting clear goals, and maintaining a relentless focus on what truly matters – prioritizing tasks, leveraging resources effectively, and creating a roadmap so you can dodge the crap along the way!

So, dear reader, when your to-do list feels like a hydra – each task you slay sprouting three more –remember this: even Cinderella had to scrub floors before she made it to the ball. You, too, must wade through the mess of execution before your fairy tale unfolds. Soon enough, you'll be standing at the gates of your Queendom, crown firmly in place, and you'll realize all the chaos, the grind, and the small, imperfect steps were the true magic!

The End (or is it…?!)


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