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Heart, Hustle, and High Heels: Navigating the Bold Transition from Corporate Powerhouse to Entrepreneurial Visionary

An exclusive SKHB Q&A with Nicki Treffers on blending grit, glamor, and a relentless drive to reshape the business world.

Elegance, poise, and undeniable charisma—these are the traits that define Nicki Treffers. As soon as she steps into the room, you can feel her quiet authority paired with an effortless style. With her polished presence and warm demeanor, she strikes a balance between high-powered corporate executive and a budding entrepreneur. Transitioning from a successful career in real estate, Nicki is embarking on an exciting new chapter—creating her own firm, Treffers & Co., a marketing consultancy partnering with some of the world’s high-profile brands. Her trajectory from corporate leadership to entrepreneurship is one filled with hard work, passion, and a bold vision for the future.

Born in Essex, a county located northeast of London, Nicki's roots lie just outside the UK’s capital. While Essex is only about an hour’s drive from the center of London, it has its own distinct identity. Known for its vibrant communities, Essex has long been a place of contrasts, with both affluent and disadvantaged areas, making Nicki’s rise from humble beginnings to the high-stakes world of real estate all the more inspiring. In just over a decade, she ascended from junior marketer to Director of New Business and Marketing eventually becoming the youngest female director on the board of a prestigious London property agency. But it’s her next phase that truly defines her ambitions.

Nicki's talents extend beyond business; as a gifted interior designer, she has an eye for transforming spaces with the same creativity and vision that define her career.

Nicki's passion for giving back is equally impressive. Whether cycling 568 kilometers through Botswana’s rugged terrain to support vulnerable children and families or skydiving to raise awareness for mental health, her commitment to making a positive impact is as boundless as her energy. As the Modern Essex Girl columnist for a local magazine – Essex Life, and a radio host on Phoenix FM, she inspires her community with her voice and her deeds.

In this quick exclusive Q&A, we explore Nicki’s inspiring journey, examining how she has merged her corporate prowess with her entrepreneurial spirit, all while staying true to her roots and redefining what it means to be a modern powerhouse businesswoman.

Q1: Nicki, can you give us a summary of your background and your journey from Essex to the Algarve, and then back to the UK, where you’re now transitioning to a solopreneur?

Answer: "I was born in Basildon, a gritty post-World War II New Town with its social and economic challenges. My family and I later moved to the Algarve, in Portugal, where I won a scholarship at an international school for both my academic achievements and my active involvement in various school activities. 

Today, I am the Group Marketing and New Business Director for Beresfords Group, in the UK. We are a multifaceted property business spanning 17 offices across Essex and into Greater London. Our company employs just over 270 people with an ongoing growth strategy to acquire more premises and further strengthen our work force.

At the same time, I am embarking on a new solo career that will see me take my previous experiences and encounters and channel them to assist SMEs to gain a bigger voice in the marketplace - whatever that industry may be. It’s an exciting time but nerve-wracking too."

Q2. What inspired you to take the leap into entrepreneurship, and what has the process of setting up Treffers & Co. been like for you so far?

Answer: "The seed was sown some time back. Quite a few businesses and individuals that I worked with had made remarks and enquired as to whether I could help or assist on a freelance basis. Obviously as I am in full time employment it wasn’t feasible. That, coupled with the fact that I had been with my company for over a decade and achieved a great deal, made me sit back and take stock of what I wanted in the next five years and how I was going to make it possible. It dawned on me that I was hungry for a new challenge and a new set of hurdles to overcome. That was when I started thinking about going out alone."

Q3. At SKHB, we emphasize the importance of strategic planning and goal setting. How do you approach these aspects in your new business? What are some of the key goals you’ve set for Treffers & Co., and how do you plan to achieve them?

Answer: "Time management and organization is paramount, especially when you have clients that have varying levels of needs and expectations. It’s imperative to remember that customer service is key. Having a clear line of communication and making sure that you do not over promise and under deliver. Winning a client is only a quarter of the job. Keeping them is the challenge. I think for my business the main goal is to be at the top of my game when it comes to quality and service."

Q4. You wear many hats—entrepreneur, marketer, interior designer, philanthropist, columnist, and radio host. How do you manage to balance these diverse roles, and what does a typical work week look like for you?

Answer: "It is hard to spin so many plates, and truthfully, I have previously crashed and burned from taking on too much. As women we have come from a place of the underdog and so I think it’s in our nature to constantly push to be and do more – often at our own detriment. That’s why I’ve learned the importance of quality downtime - for my mind, body and soul. I cannot stress the importance in having this recuperation time. A typical working week generally is packed with back-to-back meetings, Zoom calls and catching my breath. The secret to making it all happen? Caffeine! "

Q5. Treffers & Co. has already secured major clients such as Opul Jets, partnering with brands like Moet Hennessy and Jo Malone. What is your long-term vision for the company, and how do you plan to grow its presence in the industry?

Answer: "Long term, I would love to go international, hire more staff and have more premises. It’s a long road ahead but provided we stay true to who and what we are and not lose sight of this, we will continue to have the opportunity to work with clients that will be part of making this journey happen. It’s amazing to work with heavyweight brands but I think there is equal, if not more merit, in assisting small businesses – who are now the backbone of our economy. So, there is more opportunities to create in terms of noise and hype. This is the real test, as there is nowhere to hide, no coat tails to jump on. "

Q6. Every entrepreneur faces challenges, especially when transitioning from a corporate background. What have been some of the biggest challenges you’ve encountered since starting your entrepreneurial journey, and how have you overcome them?

Answer: "Going from a salary and having everything expensed and taken care of as well as admin support, to managing everything on your own is a huge eye opener. If you’re not doing the work, the pay cheque isn’t coming and that’s scary. A lot of people get comfortable with those trappings (the corporate perks) and that’s why they are reluctant to make the transition, because it’s all down to you. No clocking on and off, the onus is on you and you alone. I have had to silence my inner negative chatterbox and put on my brave pants. It’s so easy to panic and worry, but the reality is whatever life throws your way, there is always a solution to overcome or improve."

Q7. Your commitment to philanthropy is truly inspiring, and despite your success, you’ve remained connected to your roots—from your Essex upbringing to your Portuguese influences. How have these experiences shaped your approach to giving back, and how do they help you stay grounded amidst your achievements and responsibilities?

Answer: "Coming from Basildon, where crime and other socio-economic challenges are a part of everyday life, I’ve seen firsthand how difficult circumstances can shape a person’s outlook. I’ve never forgotten where I come from, and that drives me to give back. When you’ve been surrounded by struggle, it instills a deep sense of responsibility to use your platform for good. I believe in treating others how you wish to be treated, as cliché as that sounds. There’s nothing worse than someone who thinks they’re above others. The only time you should look down on somebody is when you’re helping them up. It’s easy to lament on what we don’t have or how hard life is, but in reality, there are so many people in the world facing hardships that many of us can’t even comprehend. Using my position to encourage and educate others on these issues is vital to me. It keeps me grounded and reminds me of the power we all have to create real change."

Q8. You are a talented interior designer, who has been setting up showrooms, individual properties, events etc.? How does your design philosophy intersect with your approach to business, and how do you see this aspect of your career evolving in the future? Are there any upcoming projects or aspirations, to continue in that space?

Answer: "Creativity is something that is evident in everything that I do whether that be my approach to cooking, flower arranging or home interior. I have always loved being creative and experimental. I think that part of me will intersect with how I approach projects and the solutions that I come up with. I am really looking forward to using my experience to bring more events and spaces to life -that’s what really gets me excited."

Q9. For women looking to transition from corporate roles to entrepreneurial ventures, what advice would you offer? Are there any particular skills or mindsets that you think are crucial for success?

Answer: "My advice - go for it! Don’t allow that nagging voice of negativity, that we all have in our heads, talk you out of pursuing your dreams. You have to interrupt that voice with words of affirmation and positive beliefs. The biggest obstacle isn’t a lack of skills or knowledge – these are elements that can be acquired through learning and experience. The main issues, especially as a female entrepreneur, is self-doubt. Unfortunately, confidence doesn’t come naturally to everyone, but with persistence and tapping into your resilience, you can, and you will succeed, provided you remain committed, focused and positive."

Q10. Who has or have been your biggest inspirations or mentors throughout your journey? How have they influenced your approach to business, design, and life in general?

Answer: "My current CEO has been a huge inspiration and a great mentor. He’s been in business for decades. He has a wealth of knowledge and experience and has guided me through many challenges. Like most people I have made ill informed decisions and mistakes, and he’s always been there to support and help me through the choppy tides. I’m also inspired by friends who’ve overcome adversity—not just in business but in life. This has inspired me to better myself."

Q11. Entrepreneurship requires constant learning and adaptation. What books have helped you on this journey, and which would you recommend to readers? 

Answer: "I have recently been reading “Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway” by Susan Jeffers. This is great for tackling self-doubt. I always go back to “It’s Not How Good You Are, It’s How Good You Want to Be” by Paul Arden. It’s one of those simple reads but packed with such logical words of wisdom. “Pitch to Win” is a great read by Justin Cohen, it offers great tips and advice on improving your proposition to the client."

Check Her Out

Instagram: @modernessexgirl | LinkedIn: @NickiTreffers 


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